
Copper Shree kanakdhara Yantra Premium Quality 6.25 inch

Original price was: ₹13,500.00.Current price is: ₹7,500.00.

Material – Pure Copper

Build – Premium Quality

Size – 6.25X6.25 inch

Weight – 155gm (Approx)

Packaging Contains : 1 Plate Yantra, 1 Booklate, 1 Holy water, 1 Kamal gatta Mala.

NOTE:- Holy Water is not allowed outside India.


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The Kanakdhara Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram or mystical diagram used in Hinduism and Vedic astrology. It is believed to be a powerful tool for attracting wealth, abundance, and prosperity. The word “Kanakdhara” can be broken down into two parts: “Kanak,” which means gold, and “Dhara,” which means flow. Hence, the Yantra is often associated with the flow of wealth and abundance.

Here is a description of the Kanakdhara Yantra:

1. **Geometric Design**: The Kanakdhara Yantra is typically a square or rectangular diagram, inscribed on a metal plate, paper, or drawn on any other surface. It consists of intricate geometric patterns, including triangles, circles, and lotus petals.

2. **Mantras**: In the center of the Yantra, there is usually a small square or circle with a specific mantra written in Sanskrit. The mantra associated with the Kanakdhara Yantra is usually dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. Chanting this mantra while meditating on the Yantra is considered beneficial.

3. **Numerical Arrangement**: The Kanakdhara Yantra may also include numerical sequences or arrangements that are considered auspicious and have significance in Vedic numerology.

4. **Purpose**: The primary purpose of the Kanakdhara Yantra is to attract wealth and financial prosperity. It is believed to remove obstacles and negative energies that may be blocking the flow of wealth into one’s life.

5. **Worship and Activation**: To activate the Kanakdhara Yantra, it should be properly energized through a ritualistic process. This often involves reciting specific mantras and offering prayers to Goddess Lakshmi. After activation, the Yantra can be placed in a prominent location, such as a place of worship or a cash box, to enhance its effects.

6. **Devotional Practice**: Devotees often use the Kanakdhara Yantra as a focus for meditation and prayer. They believe that regular worship and meditation with the Yantra can bring about positive changes in their financial situation and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that Yantras are not magical devices but are believed to have spiritual and psychological significance. People who use them do so as a form of devotion and meditation to align themselves with their intentions, in this case, attracting wealth and abundance. Yantras should be used with sincerity and respect for the traditions and beliefs associated with them.

To Know More About Shree Yantra Read Here.




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