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Tiger eye

Tiger eye

Tiger eye, or the chatoyant gemstone, is carved out of metamorphic rocks and consists of silica crystals. It replicates the cat eyes look, and you can’t miss out on its intricate polish and detailed finesse. The unique sheen of the Tiger eye makes it a stone of prosperity and protects you from the evil eye.

The golden hue of this stone with brown stripes gives it a finish of a Tiger’s skin. It holds a distinct boldness and bright look associated with the planet sun or mars. Despite being an affordable stone, it has ample metaphysical and spiritual properties discussed below.

Advantages of Tiger Eye Stone

  • Regular wearing of this amazing gemstone helps in rendering you dignity and self-confidence.
  • The prominent stone is also associated with tolerance, patience, and other spiritual values.
  • Wearing this stone daily helps increase the level of joy and enhances the overall health of the individual.
  • It also attracts self-integration, courage, and eagerness to achieve more in life.
  • Regular wearing of this stone also attracts an abundance of energy and helps you connect with the inner self.
  • Its metaphysical properties include enhanced focus levels, insights into trivial situations, and mental clarity.
  • You can start using it to eliminate misfortune and bring prosperity to your life. It also helps deal with various physical problems like indigestion, weight issues, hypertension, and arthritis.

Where to Buy Tiger Eye Stone From?

Tiger eye stone is also very helpful in dealing with several allergic reactions and dermatitis. Regular cleansing of the stone retains its best properties, and its glass-like luster over it gives it a special appearance. Sunday is the ideal day to wear this stone after chanting ‘RAM’ 100 times.

Buy an original Tiger Eye stone if you want to fetch stability, courage, and confidence in life. Controlled mind senses and outstanding leadership qualities are a few other benefits of this stone!

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