This beautiful 7 chakra vastu healing reiki pendant will help you to connect with and open your Chakra’s allowing
for a free flow of energy.
When your Chakra’s are healthy and open you are less likely to suffer both physically and mentally.
When you focus on balancing your chakras you can find balance and harmony in your life and in your mind.
Chakra meditation is another great way to feel peaceful and balanced and while it may seem too “out there” for
some it has been scientifically studied and proven to help fight against signs of disease and even help to fight
against cancer.
The power of your mind is truly incredible and when you focus on clearing and balancing your chakras, amazing
things can happen.
Subtle and not so subtle shifts will happen in your life for the better.
7 Chakra Vastu Healing Reiki Pendant Details-
7 Chakra crystals are a tool and can be like a storage battery for thought energy.
Clearing has to do with the energy of the stone or crystal.
Chakra crystals can be programmed with our thought energy and then act on our subtle chakra energy fields.
They also to help to create situations in our lives that will lead us in directions that allow positive growth and healing.
7 Chakra Stone Of The – Chakra Cleanser – Self Confidence – Communication – Clranser – Emotional Balance –
Strength – Vitality / Passion –
Abundance – Immune System – Meditation – All Chakra Stone.
The information provided is based on individual experience and should not be treated as medical advice.
Inadvertent use of it will not be our responsibility.
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