4 Mukhi Rudraksha Details –
What about this Rudraksha –
4 Mukhi Rudraksha – Consequently, the Nepali bead is known for being large in size compared to of Indonesian bead.
The shape is Round. blessings of “Bhramha”.
Specifically, this has the blessings of Lord Brahma, who is one of the Hindu Trideva.
that is constructor and ocean of knowledge of the universe.
The bearer of this usually influencing and stunning. His mind is usually in control.
This Rudraksha boosts fame in all 4 directions.
And this useful for 4 hermitage named – ब्रह्मचर्य, गृहस्थ, वानप्रस्थ, सन्यास।
Why 4 Mukhi Rudraksha –
Kids can use it for concentration and memory boosters.
Significantly students, Teachers, intellect, and skilled always recommended this for relevant works.
This can also use for all 4 efforts – religion, meaning, Desire, and success in Libration.
This is very useful for Memory loss and epilepsy.
This is very essential for the treatment of listed diseases – Nasal, and Gall bladder, Paralysis.
This has the power to mitigate genocide and animal-killing sins.
According to the zodiac sign – This is for Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo people.
Special note:
Suggested for – Students, Teachers, Mind workers.
Saraswati band (is specifically for students, 2 (4 Mukhi) and 1 (6 Mukhi).
The ruling planet for this 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is “Budh”.
Having “Revti, Shresha, Jyestha” Nakshatra” issue it should be worn.
According to the zodiac sign – This is for Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo people.
How to wear 4 Mukhi Rudraksha –
This is very useful after the guided methods.
After making ready with the specific mantra – “Om Hrem Namah” – “ॐ ह्रीं नमः”
How to make it ready to wear
- Choose any good day or Monday.
- Make a bath with Gangajal or holy water.
- We can use sandalwood paste over it.
- Make use of Dhoop to Rudraksha bead.
- Use a white flower.
- Touch Lord Shiva Idol or shiv lingam statue and Speak “Om Namah Shivay” 11 times.
After that, you can wear it or place it in your holy place.
Some Different perspectives about having Rudraksha
- usually requires at least 40 days to perform.
- Rudraksha is the favorite Jewellery of Lord Shiva.
- Anyone and everyone can wear any religion.
- It Is pacifying in nature.
- Usually, Every Rudraksha mitigates the sin of killing.